#BabyGambrell aka J2 Turns 2!

I truly thank God for my #BabyGambrell, who is now two whole years old, but will forever be my baby! We celebrated the prince 🤴🏾 with three incredible birthday parties!

Reflecting on the last 24+ months, I am very proud that I nursed my son for a full 22 months🤱🏽 . Yes, 22 whole months. It was never my plan to go past 12 months, but it’s very hard to stop and even harder when you always give into your crying child. My son cries and gets whatever he wants, thank Goodness my husband isn’t so fragile. My son totally has me wrapped around his fingers, all of them. Nonetheless, I truly believe in the benefits of nursing (I personally was nursed much longer than my son), and the brilliance it develops.

Ever since I stopped nursing, my husband is my son’s best friend, he’s his everything. Everything. Jeffrey Michael Gambrell II aka J2 immediately asks for his father when he wakes up if he doesn’t see him right away, when I pick him up from school instead of greeting me with love, I am urgently asked for daddy.

J2, is a stellar student. He truly enjoys learning and probably spends too much time on his multiple devices, iPads (he has two), computer & iPhone, but I do believe his device usage has contributed to his vocabulary and math skills which are soaring. My 2 year old son counts better than me 😂🤣😅😹.

At 2, J2 speaks in full sentences, he’s quite inquisitive and is always asking questions, loves to tell stories, especially about colors, cars, trucks and buses. He’ll ask you question after question. J2 loves to sing and dance. He actually loves music and dancing more than anything in the world (even pizza and McDonald’s) and over the last year he’s formally taken on gymnastics, swimming & soccer and let’s just say gymnastics is #1 out the bunch. My greatest joy is seeing him run, climb and jump around a gymnasium.

In regards to swimming, the way that children are plunged into the pool doesn’t sit well with me. But, I’m soon to be 35 and still can’t swim so despite lessons. …..he does however love free time in the pool as well as the ocean. J2 loves the beach and has already visited a few tropical islands 🇲🇽 🇯🇲 this past year exploring his passport book, which may be his favorite book thus far.
#BabyGambrell‘s true love still remains to be the arts, with emphasis on acting, singing & dancing. He’s a superb actor, as we often talk about him winning Oscar’s/Academy Awards for his theatrics & drama 🎭 presentations (yes, he’s indeed my child 🤣😂😅).

Cocomelon is life so it only made sense to recognize the occasion with such a theme! We talk about Cocomelon probably about 30x a day. It’s real y’all. ❣️‼️❗️

Here’s to many more birthday celebrations, continuing to watch my son enjoy life, and my husband winning parent of the year award. Enjoy the photos. :)

Romain McLean

Romain McLean is a creative connector inspiring entrepreneurs to bring their wildest dreams to life. Ni-Ce-Tees aligns with Romain’s life purpose, bringing value to people’s lives through creative inspiration and better marketing practices.


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